BI Meeting 23/11/2018
Meeting commenced at 14:00Hrs.
Opening and Welcome:
President Saths Reddy opened the meeting.
No apologies offered.
No correspondence.
Adoption of Previous Minutes:
President Saths Reddy states he only has minutes from the meeting held in Swaziland and an annotation of the meeting in Killarney which were handed to him in Dubai. He reiterated that the Secretary has sole responsibility to ensure a true record of meetings in held and all paperwork for any future meeting is produced and forwarded in advance.
President Saths Reddy also thanked Mike Leavens, Trevor Harte and Ross McInnes for salvaging the 2018 BI World Pool Championships and ensuring that the event went ahead.
President Saths Ready mentioned the simplification of rules and updated constitution that had been sent to delegates.
As there were no previous minutes to accept this items was left.
Business Ex-minutes:
No matters were raised due to having no previous minutes of meetings.
Presentation and approval of Annual Reports:
Presidential Report:
President Saths Reddy reported that in February 2017, the then secretary and president were forced to resign from the positions held. After a period of settlement there is still no movement forward for the organisation. This required Mike Leavens, Trevor Harte, Ross McInnes and Saths Reddy to take on board the organisation of the 2018 BI World Championships.
Secretarial Report:
President Saths Reddy reported that there was no secretary in post, therefore no report offered.
Auditor’s Report:
President Saths Ready reported that the finances have not been audited as BI didn’t have a bank account. He stated that these practises should end now and anyone on post would have accountability along with the responsibility. He stated that Blackball International now had an account held in London, England.
BI Treasurer Mike Leavens reported that the first payment on the new BI account was live on 01/10/2018.
BI Treasurer Mike Leavens handed out an income/expenditure account for Blackball International Account.
EBA Secretary Trevor Harte queries fees paid to Blackball International from Africa, President Saths Reddy deferred this to item (10) of the Agenda.
IPA Chairman Kevin Barton queried sponsorship amount from Bridlington Council regarding the 2018 BI World Championships. Mike Leavens/Ross McInnes reported that members of the EBA committee had attended a meeting with Bridlington Council where a verbal agreement was reached regarding sponsorship for this event. There was no signed contract and a dispute ongoing, at this time, Bridlington Council have provided NO sponsorship, only use of the SPA venue towards the 2018 BI World Championships.
IPA Chairman Kevin Barton also queries TV coverage. Ross McInnes explained that the TV contact was with the Promoter, Mr Alan Marshall and David Hutchison (TV Company). He explained that the TV Company pulled out from the event regarding TC coverage (due to a company takeover). The agreement was reached that he would still provide streaming for the event, however due to a family illness cancelled this agreement some 14 days prior to the event commencing.
President Saths Reddy reiterated that due to the failures in this event, it was a massive learning experience for the organisation and explained that contracts would require to be in place, signed, sealed and delivered for future events.
BI Board Member Ross McInnes informed the General Assembly that he would provide a fully detailed breakdown, detailing what was owed and by whom for the event.
President Saths Reddy queried the outstanding amount regarding the new BI website.
BI Board Mhember Ross McInnes informed the GA that regarding the World Championships held in Perth 2014, he guaranteed a £20K prize find based on the events advertised by Blackball International (singles, doubles and team). Due to the fact that Blackball International cancelled the doubles event, Mr McInnes informed the meeting that his expectation is that he is due monies returned (the doubles prize fund) due to BI cancelling the event.
BI Board Member Ross McInnes committed to managing the debt incurred/monies owed until Blackball International are in a position to repay what is owed to him; again he committed to providing BI with a fully detailed/itemised breakdown and estimated that the figure would be circa £8.5K. EBA Secretary Trevor Harte agreed due to Blackball International backing the bid provided for the event.
IPA Chairman Kevin Barton stated that information should be fully itemised, BI Board Member Ross McInnes committed to providing a fully itemised bid for scrutiny by BI board.
EBA Rep to BI Yvonne Ewing proposed that subject to the approval of BI board, BI Board Member Ross McInnes should be repaid monies owed (up to a maximum of £10K) as and when BI are in a position to do so, motion seconded by Oceania Rep Ian Chung. As there was no counter proposal, the motion was carried unanimously.
EBA Chairman Sean Rumbado and BI Treasurer Mike Leavens left the meeting.
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